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Silo Details

This table has some basic information about silos/storages, what they can hold and if they allow for cross server transfers.

yeah dSilo/Storage nameWhat type(s) it can holdCross Server Transfer
Bale & Pallet StorageAny type of bale or palletNo
Farma 400 + OBI 1000All crops except root crops/Olives and grapesYes
Farma 500 + OBI 1000All crops except root crops/Olives and grapesYes
Farma 800 + OBI 1000All crops except root crops/Olives and grapesYes
Flat Bottom Bin 3608All crops except root crops/Olives and grapesYes
Flat Bottom Bin 3609All crops except root crops/Olives and grapesYes
NL16-22-2000All crops except root crops/Olives and grapesYes
NL16-22-6000All crops except root crops/Olives and grapesYes
NL16-22-16000All crops except root crops/Olives and grapesYes
Manure HeapManureNo
Liquid manure TankSlurryNo
All Bunker SilosChaff, Grass, silageNo
Small Steel SiloHay, Chaff, grass, SilageYes
Small concrete Stave SiloHay, Chaff, grass, SilageYes
Large Fermenting SiloHay, Chaff, grass, SilageYes
Round Bale hay storageHay Round BalesYes
Round Bale Straw storageStraw Round BalesYes
Round Bale Silage storageSilage Round BalesYes
Squarebale Hay StorageHey Square BalesYes
Squarebale Straw StorageStraw Square BaleYes
Squarebale Silage StorageSilage Square BaleYes
CellarOlives and GrapesYes
FOC Strawshredder SiloStrawYes
NL4-15+NBEL25All crops except root crops/Olives and grapesYes
Grain StoreGrain crops – Wheat, Barley, Oat and SorghumYes
Large Pallet and bale StorageAny type of pallet and Cotton Modules (no bales)Yes
Slurry and Manure Transfer bunkerSlurry and ManureYes
mega Silo BRAll crops except root crops/Olives and grapesYes
Bale barn with StorageAny type of bale or palletNo
Silo LargeAll crops except root crops/Olives and grapesYes
Pallet and Bale warehouse
Any type of pallet and Cotton Modules (no bales)
Red Barn with SiloAll crops except root crops/Olives and grapesYes
Small red barn siloAll crops except root crops/Olives and grapesYes
small red barn silo with storageAll crops except root crops/Olives and grapes + Any type of Bale or palletYes
Bale Storagebales onlyNo
Open Shed StorageAny type of bale or palletNo
RootcropstorageRoot cropsYes
Silo VTC 110All crops except root crops/Olives and grapesYes
Silo VTC 220All crops except root crops/Olives and grapesYes
Silo VTC 330All crops except root crops/Olives and grapesYes
Silo VTC 440All crops except root crops/Olives and grapesYes
Grain Silo SystemAll Arable CropsYes
slurry Field BunkerSlurryNo
Root Crop StorageRoot cropsYes
Small Grain SiloGrain crops – Wheat, Barley, Oat and SorghumYes
Small Harvesting SiloAll crops except root crops/Olives and grapesYes
Forage StorageForageNo
Root Crop StorageRoot CropsYes
Medium Woodchip StorageWoodchipsYes
Reinforced Quonset Sheds for rootcropRoot cropsYes
Small Petrol TankFuel/Gas/PetrolYes
Medium Petrol TankFuel/Gas/PetrolYes
Large Petrol TankFuel/Gas/PetrolYes
Large Petrol tankFuel/Gas/PetrolYes
Liquid Fertilizer TankLiquid FertYes
Stainless Steel Fertilizer TankSolid FertYes
karma 16Seed or Mineral FeedYes
Water tankWaterNo
Silo for SilodsSeed/Solid Fert/limeYes
Tank for Liquid fert and HebicideLiquid Fert or HerbYes
Small Liquid TankLiquid Fert or HerbYes
1620 Solid HopperSeed or Solid Fert or limeYes
Multiliq-173Liquid Fert and HerbYes
Seed TankSeedYes
Solid Fert tankSolid FertYes
Liquid Fert TankLiquid FertYes
Herb TankHerbYes
1617 Solid Hopper binSeed or Solid Fert or limeYes
1615 Solid Hopper binSeed or Solid Fert or limeYes
1612 Solid Hopper binSeed or Solid Fert or limeYes
Multisol-60Solid Fert or LimeYes
Meridian Storage yardSeed/Solid Fert/lime/Liquid Fert/herbYes

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