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Legend #

🟨 = Minor Severity – Violation could lead to warnings, mutes, and/or fines.
🟧 = Medium Severity – Violation could lead to warnings, mutes, fines, temporary (3, 5, or 7 day) bans.
πŸŸ₯ = Extreme Severity – Violation could lead to warnings, fines, temporary (3, 5, or 7 day) ban,
or permanent ban.

Not knowing the rules is not an excuse and will still lead to warnings, fines, and bans!

Note: The staff team reserves the right to:
1. Escalate severity based on the violation.
2. Exercise judgment when applying punishment.
3. Apply punishments that may not be listed (examples include: reversion to contractor, loss of selected discord/web commands, being unallowed to own certain buildings/equipment, channel mutes, etc.) based on the violation.

Discord Rules #

1.🟨 Do not private message or mention staff.

2.πŸŸ₯ No NSFW content, self-advertising, spam, bullying, harassment or hate. This applies to all conversations between members inside and outide of the server. If a conversation is getting heated, that probably means it should stop. Please respect each other. Generally speaking, follow the Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

3.πŸŸ₯ Do not purposefully grief or troll other players, staff, or the discord channels. Behaviors or actions which are deemed to be disingenuous for the purpose of griefing or trolling will not be accepted.

4.πŸŸ₯ You are not permitted to have multiple discord accounts in FOC or use another discord account to evade a ban or reset your progress. If you must “swap” a discord account for any reason, make a ticket. If you decide you need to, remember you can reset your progress by going bankrupt or presitiging (if eligible). 

5.🟨 Our server is inclusive of people from all regions and languages. The official language of this server though, is English. When speaking in the discord server and inside the game servers, English should be used at all times.

General Rules #

1.🟧 Players who are inactive for over 30 days will forfeit their Farm Slot. Staff will sell all your assets and to your checking account for later use. Just logging in does not constitute being active, you must be engaged in some aspect of gameplay. (Including farming, livestock, logging, etc.)

2.πŸŸ₯ You may not lend money to other players. This includes lending money in a traditional sense or anything that could be perceived as lending money. Examples include, but not limited to: 

  • Business deals that do not benefit all parties right away
  • Buying a vehicle for someone else and getting paid back later
  • Excessively long payment plans (e.g. 3+ years)
  • Payment plans that include no down payment or a down payment of less than 15%

3.πŸŸ₯ Players may not give away assets, especially when quitting. Examples include, but not limited to: 

  • Paying wages that are astronomically high (if you have to ask, it fits the bar).
  • Indefinitely leasing equipment or land for little to no fee or agreeing to a fee and not collecting.
  • Trading equipment of non-equal value without appropriate compensation.
  • Selling vehicles and/or equipment at lower than store sell page or 50% of the new price, whatever is lowest.
  • Trading assets for β€œpast or future” labor.

Note: Assets include, but are not limited to: equipment, land, crops, consumables, or actual money. 

4.🟨 Only accept one contract at a time, complete all contracts ASAP. Do not intentionally take extra time or include breaks into your billed time. If you say you will complete a contract – complete it. 

5.πŸŸ₯ Do not misuse equipment, abuse glitches, bugs, or cheats. This includes fast farming and using machines/equipment for a function that it is not intended to be used for. This also includes abusing discord/website bugs. Find something that is unbalanced? Reach out to a staff member via ticket to share your concerns.

6.🟧 Players may not engage in abuse of the transfer system such as Crop Hopping, Duped Vehicles, or similar. Any violation of this rule is subject to fine and/or losing access to transfer assets.

  • Crop hopping is transferring crop or other fill types from Server A to Server B and then back to Server A to avoid trucking the crop or product across the map.
  • Duped Vehicles are vehicles that are transferred from another server or garage and end up existing in both places due to a bug with the transfer system.

Leasing Rules #

1.🟧 Player to player leases should be made using a formal agreement. Agreements are meant to protect both parties when deciding terms. If there is no agreement staff can not and will not enforce them. Remember to investigate each area before signing an agreement and make sure you’re getting a good deal! Include things like equipment and silos in the agreement when necessary.

2.πŸŸ₯ You may not landscape, place items, cut down trees, or expand fields on leased property. Speak with the owner about things like silos and bale storages to arrange something before making an agreement.

3.🟨 You may not sub-lease or sharecrop land you are leasing from another player or the server. 

4.πŸŸ₯ When you own or lease land on a server, you are the farmer that manages the land a majority of the time.

  • You may lease a maximum of 50% or 200 acres total of your land across all servers (leased or owned).

Leasing is referred to as paying for the use of land (pre or post-paid) and having full control over the land, using your own equipment, and paying for your own expenses. OR

  • You may sharecrop no more than 25% or 200 acres of your total land across all servers (leased or owned).

Sharecropping is when you share profits and manage the land on behalf of the owner, oftentimes not dealing with the burden of equipment, wages or consumable cost yourself.

  • Both renters and tenants may have a maximum of 200 acres combined total under contract at one time.

Land and Buildings #

1.πŸŸ₯ Terra-forming is typically bad for multiplayer. Keep in mind whatever mess you make the next guy will have to clean up. Please limit use to flattening tool and plane tool. Use of raise and lower should only be used by those comfortable with the in-game tool and to FIX problems. Filling or bridging water features (ex. lakes, ponds, irrigation ditches, etc.) Is not allowed. Any adjustments to clean up terraforming issues will be made at your own expense. If admins have to fix terraforming for you, it will cost $50k/15 min.

2.πŸŸ₯ You may not place buildings or items on land you do not own or clip them into/on top of other buildings. This goes for terraforming and painting tools as well. You will be charged for any repairs and may be fined. 

3.🟨 Do not combine fields across parcels. You may connect and create fields within the bounds of a single parcel. When expanding, you should honor existing field lines or leave at least 5 meters from the parcel boundary.

4.🟨 When placing buildings you should have at least 5m between edges of fields, parcels, and roads.

5.🟨 Each Farm Slot is limited to three Greenhouses, five bee houses, and one of each type of unique Factory (any size/no duplicates). The factory limit excludes: TMR Mixers, Pig Food Mixers and Fermenting silos.

6.🟨 Each Farm slot can have a maximum of 6 β€˜Animal Pen’ points and a maximum of 3 animal pens per animal (ex. 3 cattle pens maximum). 

Tier 1 pens = 1 point each 

Tier 2 pens = 1 point each 

Tier 3 pens = 3 points each

Vehicles and Trailers #

1.🟧 Do not drive over or farm fields or land you do not own or lease (this includes carelessly damaging neighboring property with overlap). Stick to roads when traveling across the map. Respect your neighbor’s property unless they’ve given you permission to be there.

2.🟧 You may not train more than two inventories of any kind.

3.🟧 Mother bins are not to be used to transport crop on roads and/or to sell points. That is a job for tippers and trailers

Equipment #

1.🟨 Please remove all purchased equipment from the shop area within 24 hours to avoid fines.

2.🟧 Always meet or exceed the HP requirements for your equipment. If caught abusing low HP equipment on things that require more HP you will be fined. If running multiple tools in one setup you need to meet or exceed the cumulative total. When using harvester headers or other non-HP-based items use the combinations tab and the Header Combinations wiki page to determine if it should be used.

3.🟧 Include accurate description and vehicle ID for /pay command, sales, and transfers. Meme or irrelevant descriptions may be reversed and a fine will be incurred. 

Forestry #

Due to the amount of details in them, forestry rules can be found on the wiki. See the rules here

ο»ΏRules Updated: December 28, 2023

Change log:

  • Removed a rule about discord name matching in-game name. This is handled automatically.
  • Moved rule 8 of general rules to discord rules
  • Consolidated rules about multiple accounts/licenses
  • Updated wording of english only rule
  • Consolidated rules about being respectful
  • Updated wording of leasing and sharecropping rule. Added a limitation of one or the other.
  • Updated rules on building placement, field expansion, and added specifics on fixing admin intervention terraforming
  • Deduped and minified section on buildings
  • Deduped and minified sections on vehicles and equipment
  • Removed rules for contract server
  • Updated forestry rules to be overall less restrictive and moved to wiki

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