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Frequently Asked Questions

We have made a list of common questions we that are asked and have provided some answers to help you get going.  This page will continue to grow over time. If you have more questions, you are always welcome to join a Voice Chat Channel and ask some of the established Farm Managers for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions #

New Farmer Questions #

  • I have tried to find the servers to join but nothing pops up in fs. What can I do?

    Make sure you have FarmersOnly.Club in the search bar on the multiplayer server page.

  • Do you have to be a farm manager to participate in player contracts?

    No. You can and are encouraged to take player contracts before you become an FM. It gives you experience with what FOC is all about and is a chance to explore other servers and get to know other players.

  • How long will I be a contractor before I can become a Farm Manager?

    The minimum period as a contractor to become an FM is 18 days currently.  The time spent as a Contractor allows for you to get to know the community and to earn enough money to have a good start on your initial start as FM.

  • How much money is recommend to start my FM Career?

    We recommend you take full advantage of your time as a Contractor and earn as much as you can. We recommend you get somewhere around $750,000.00. However the minimum amount is currently $250,000.00.  Most fields are more expensive than that which is why we give you that recommendation. When applying for FM your first time you will be given a one-time credit that may be used on any equipment or land. The credit will be determined by your balance when you apply for FM, essentially doubling your starter cash by up-to $375,000.

  • What happens if I go past my 18 days and I have not earned enough?

    Keep going! Go at your own pace and do not stress. 

  • Can I visit Servers to see where I want to go for my FM?

    Please visit the different Servers and get a “lay of the land”. Just make sure when you join you send a “sync” message in the server channel before joining. Check for where the parcels in your price range is located on the map. See what the topography is. Where is the store? Where are the sell points located? Can I grow and expand out from this one land? What kind of farming do I want to do? Does the map I want support the crops I want to grow? What kind of equipment do the others players have?

  • How can I find contracts?

    Check the #player-contracts channel, #player-adverts channel, or post in the #contractor-bulletins channel. It may seem a little daunting at first, but many of our large farmers need a lot of help, so interacting with 1 or 2 large farms could get you a lot of work and some good pay.

  • Any suggestions on FM first pick? Or land?

    A good recommended starting location should be at least one parcel of land away from the closest other FM (for expansion reasons). Please reach out to the other players on that server. Not only will they help you out find a good starting point, but also it show you are willing to work with others (this is a multiplayer server). Most of the people who are on our servers have learned lessons of what not to do and will talk you through things. Ask questions in Voice Chat. Message the people on the server and ask them about the map.

  • Do I need a Realtor for my first FM parcel?

    No. Exactly 18 days from the moment you Join FOC, you can apply for your FM slot on one of the Community Servers. Go to #bot-stuff and use /user ApplyFM. This creates a ticket for your FM Request. You will be asked about Server and Parcel information being requested. A member of the Admin team will assist you by assigning the land and drafting the funds for your starting parcel.

Farming Simulator Questions #

  • I bought a field with crop already planted, why hasn’t it changed growth state?

    NPC contracts are disabled on our servers, therefore field states that were set by NPC when the map went live will not change growth state. If you purchase such a field with crop already planted, its growth state will not progress or change. 

    If the field is ready to harvest, then you can harvest it, however, if it is not ready for harvest it will not grow any further. It may be possible to cut it for chaff if it has reached the required growth state, or failing that you may be able to plow it in and receive a free fert layer. 

  • I can’t connect the game says I am missing mods.. WHY!?

    It could be a few things. Always make sure when you start up that you are NOT UPDATING any mods. Updated mods will be conflicts. Always extract the zips in order from oldest to newest and place any duplicates, there may be changes. You may not use any of your singleplayer mods because a lot of our mods have been rebalanced and thus will cause conflicts.

  • Do we have a mod that actually tells us the percentage of damage on a piece of equipment?

    If you look at the equipment and place your crosshair over it it will tell you the percentage

  • Why is there one spot of grass in front of the storage that just won’t paint over?

    Try painting with a different texture and then paint desired texture

  • When do the Servers get updated to the latest release?

    Almost every recent major update has had a significant issue with it that prevented us from updating immediately. Our standard practice is that we wait a couple days for other people to find problems before potentially corrupting saves/causing issues for our 25+ servers and then having to spend a long time reverting updates and potentially causing players to lose progress. Please keep this in mind when major updates are rolled out as there will be intentional delays before updating. Minor updates will be applied ASAP as these are smaller patches that likely will not have widespread issues.

    Do not update until our servers are updated otherwise you may not be able to access FOC servers

  • How do I reset my game to the Previous patch?

    If you are on steam and it auto updates you can revert to the current FOC version by right-clicking FS22 > Properties > Betas > v1.X.X.X (you may need to restart steam for 1.X.X.X to become available)

    If you are using Giants, hold shift while starting the game then select the version previous version.

    If you are on a different platform and you update, you will need to wait for FOC to update before you can access our servers so please do not update yet.

  • After putting Steam on pause to not update, how do I get Steam to now update?

    just set at Betas to none and Steam will update the game for you.

  • I am moving my yard to a newly acquired parcel. Currently, I have 3 chicken coops already in production. Would it be a violation of the rules, to build an empty chicken coop in the new position, transport the animals from the old one, then remove the old coop?

    As long it’s not more than a day and you are not operating more than three at one time. Once you start moving animals to the new pen from the old one, complete that task as soon as possible and don’t stop until the move of all animals has been completed.

Economy and Rules Questions #

  • I need a break, how do I do that?

    Sometimes players need a extended break from Farming. If you need to take a break, open a ticket in Modmail and state your intention to take a extended break and when it will start. You will be directed what to do from there. Extended breaks may require giving up a FM slot and land sold. When you are ready to start again, open another ticket and let Admins know.

  • What happens to my stuff and money if I take a break?

    Checking stays open and proceeds from land/equipment sales held for return.

    Land will need to be sold to another FM or NPC.

    Vehicles will need to be sold to FMs or to the shop. Alternatively. you can store in your virtual garage.

    Bank Loans and Server Loans will be paid completely off.

  • How long do I have to be on a Server before I can switch to another?

    You must maintain your FM on a Server for 30 days before you can change your FM to another server.

  • Is there a minimum for how much we can sell equipment to another player?

    You must sell for at least the amount listed in the store sell page or 50% of new value. 

  • Is it allowed to only partially complete Player Contracts or do I have to complete them?

    It is best to fully complete them, remember player contracts are from actual Farm Managers playing the game too not NPC. If you only have a little bit of time then it’s best to send a DM to FM of the contract and work something out with them before accepting the contract.

  • Can I move to another map?

    Yes, once every 30 days players can move to a new map. When moving to a new map you will not get the chance to select a parcel of your choice so be sure to snag up some land before moving!

  • Can I start over?

    Yes, there are 2 ways to start over:

    Option 1 You can Prestige. You can look at the Prestige Page here on the Wiki for more information. To start the prestige process, open a Modmail ticket stating your intentions to Prestige. You will have 12 days to get everything ready.

    Option 2: You may file for bankruptcy and start over. This will set you back down to zero cash and you will lose all of your assets. In addition, you will not be able to set up a loan with a bank for 30 days or be able to lease land. You will not qualify for new FM starting benefits such as the land pick. Instead you will need to purchase land from auction or from other players via a realtor.

  • Is there a way I can calculate my income?

    Sitesurfer has kindly created a resource for FOC, but please be advised that you use at your own risk. If something goes wrong and your yield/income is not as expected or advertised, Admin team will not be able to help you. Questions and feedback on the Crop Calculator can be directed to the thread in #questions. 

  • Can I start a Co-Op?

    We’ve spent many hours trying to make official co-ops that aren’t over powered and have failed with each attempt. There are many legal ways to have a type of co-op with some extra steps. 

    • Being a hired hand for someone you want to co-op for and getting paid as a contractor.
    • Sharecropping is also a similar way to achieve a co-op like relationship.
    • Less so, leasing, is still another way.

    If you are both FMs on the same map, you can share equipment for a semi-equivalent monetary, labor, or equipment exchange.

Misc Questions #

  • Copy How do I pay off my loan?

    Use the discord command /loan pay.

  • How do I refresh my Discord when it’s acting weird?

    Ctrl + R refreshes your Discord

  • My Vehicles/Crop is not loading in the Website to transfer, who do I report that to?

    Reloading the Web page will usually fix this problem.

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