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Event Points Shop

During the course of your time in FOC you will have the opportunity to earn and spend reward points

Earning Rewards #

There are a few ways of earning Reward Points 

  • Participating in FOC Competition Seasons
  • Participating in one off FOC events
  • Reward wheels
  • Other miscellaneous ways

Redeeming Rewards #

In order to redeem your reward points for your chosen prize(s) you need to open a ticket using FOC Modmail on discord. Please indicate the title and point value for the reward(s) you would like to claim.

Prize options #

PointsReward PointsReward
12,500$1,000,000 Land Voucher 9002x Custom Vehicle ID (must be redeemed at the same time)
31,250$2,500,000 Land Voucher 9002x Implement Hour Reset (must be redeemed at the same time)
6,250$500,000 Land Voucher 1,8002x Placeable Move Voucher (must be redeemed at the same time)
11,111$1,000,000 Placeable Voucher 1,8002x Vehicle Hour Reset (must be redeemed at the same time)
5,556$500,000 Placeable Voucher 1,2003x Custom Vehicle ID (must be redeemed at the same time)
1,667$150,000 Placeable Voucher 5,000Adjacent Land Choice, $3m cap (local server only)
3,0001 x Instant Crop Sale with 1.2x Multiplier (one crop type in one storage). * 4,900Base Large Tractor (Big Bud 747 exempt)
6,0001x Instant Crop Sale with 1.5x Multiplier (one crop type in one storage). * 3,000Base Medium Tractor
5001x Custom Vehicle ID 1,200Base Small Tractor
5001x Implement Hour Reset 6,000Land Choice, $2m cap (local server only)
2,0001x Instant Crop Sale (one crop type in one storage) * 2,000One Implement under $200,000
5,0001x Instant Product Sale (one product type in one storage) * 5,000One Implement under $500,000
1,0001x Placeable Move Voucher 1$70 Cash
1,0001x Vehicle Hour Reset   

Reward Points Rules #

  • Your reward points cannot be carried over after prestige however they can be redeemed at a ratio of 1 point for $100 during your prestige.
  • You may not buy, sell, or gift reward points to or from other players.
  • Land and placeable prizes are only applicable to the server you have FM on.
  • Land vouchers are not a land pick and can only be used as a credit towards buying land in the traditional way.
  • Prizes can only be used in a single transaction. If buying land/placeable under the prize value the reminder does not roll over and cannot be used on a second parcel.
  • Prizes can only be used one per transaction. Unless stated otherwise.
  • For instant crop/product sale rewards you can choose between current in-game price or peak xml price. We can provide peak xml prices when you open your ticket.

    * For the purpose of instant sales, the following definitions apply:

    – Crops are anything that has been harvested from your field without further processing through a production. This includes grains, sugarcane, rootcrops, bales and cotton modules etc. Woodchips are also considered as crops for the purpose of these crop sales.

    – Products are anything that has been processed through a production. This includes pallets and loose products such as seed, fertilizer, lime and animal feed etc.

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