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Discord Commands

Here you will find a list of commands you may use to interact with our Discord bot in the #bot-stuff channel. If you would like more context, better formatting, or notice errors please contact a staff member.

Caveats and Notes: #

  • Some commands may only be used in #bot-stuff to ensure there isn’t command spam everywhere
  • Formatting may appear different between phone and computer clients. Some phone clients have a known bug where it can not @ a player in a chat, if you see @Invalid_User, it is just a bug with your view on the specific client you are on.

General Commands #

CommandSyntaxWhere to typeDescription
Field Info/field info#bot-stuffGet info on any field on a server.
User/user#bot-stuffView your FOC information.

Finance Commands #

CommandSyntaxWhere to typeDescription
Pay/pay#bot-stuffThis command allows you to send money to another player from your checking account.
Balance/bal#bot-stuffSends you a PM with your current account balances for both online and in game.
Move money to web/deposit [server#] [total]#bot-stuffInstantly moves money to your web account from a server.
Move money to server/withdraw [server#] [total]#bot-stuffInstantly moves money from your web account to a server.
Loans/loan apply#bot-stuffApply for a loan from a bank.
Loans/loan accept#bot-stuffAccepts an offer from a bank
Loan Equity/loan equity#bot-stuffCheck financial info

Contract Commands #

Contract Post/contract post#bot-stuffPost a contract for your farm

Note: These are the most common commands. Not all commands are listed here. If you type ‘/’ in discord you’ll see a whole slew of commands that you can run, with the description and parameters needed to run it.

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